PRGB-7200 High Speed Grading Bar
for Pro Groomer PR72 (LevelFlo1). Customers who need to groom infields
"quickly" between games should consider this optional attachment. Why? The PR72 standard 2 bladed Leveler Implement (LevelFlo2)
provides perfect leveling at normal speeds up to 4-5 mph. Customers who own the PR72 want great infields and understand they need
to limit speed. But, during tournaments or busy day game schedules they may have to prepare infields for the next game "quickly".
Customers only use this attachment when time between games is very short. They groom all of their infields before the day's play with the
normal 2 bladed Leveler for perfect leveling. Then between games, if time is short, they cut their prep time in half using this high speed
implement to quickly smoothen infields. After the day's games they again groom the infields with the 2 blade Leveler Implement to bring them back to perfectly level.