
Pro Infield

Infield Groomers

Infield Groomers

All Star
Infield Groomers

JD Bunker Rake
Improvement Kit

JD Field Finisher

HyBrid Infield
and Turf Groomer


Golf Greens



Broom Groomers

Infield Groomers, Synthetic & Natural Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomer, Driveway Groomer, All Manufactured Here!

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Why Don't Bunker Rakes Level Infields?

Bunker Rakes were never intended to Level!

Chain Lifted Implements Do Not Level IMG_4594 125h Chain Lifted Implements Do Not Level IMG_4594 crop 125h Why Doesn't My Bunker Rake Level Infields? Because Chain Lifted Attachments Do Not Level. They were not designed to level. All bunker rakes are designed to "smoothen" only. Their original purpose is to be used in golf course sand bunkers. Golf course bunkers are "bowl shaped" a soup bowl.

1200A in Bunker Bowl Shaped 125h They told me I could use the Bunker Rake on Infields. But did you specifically ask if they will "Level Infields"? Golf courses do not want to "level" their "bowl shaped" bunkers. They only want to smoothen the sand in the bunkers. Chain lifted attachments will rise up over high areas and drop down into low areas as they are used. This is what golf courses want bunker rakes to do. But chain lifted attachments will never be capable of leveling infields properly. Yes, they smoothen. They do not level. If you want your JD 1200A Bunker Rake / Infield Finisher to level infields then check out our "improvement kit".

Chain Lifted Attachments Dont Level IMG_3666 125h Chain Lifted Attachments Dont Level IMG_3670 Chain Lifted 125h 1200A Bunker Rake in Bowl Shape Bunker 125h

Bunker Rakes were never intended to Level!

Chain Lifted Implements Do Not Level!

We Know How to Level Infields. If You're Not Leveling Infields Then You're Not Providing the Level and Smooth Infields That Players and Coaches Want!

JD Actuator Standard Light Weight IMG_0555 125hIs my 1200A Bunker Rake Actuator Capable of Lifting More Weight? No. It isn't. The original actuator on the 1200A Bunker Rake is capable of lifting approx. 90-100 lbs. It's a fast but weak actuator. Thus it is not capable of lifting our improvement kit and the field finisher.

Mid Mount Scarifier 125hMid Mount Scarifier on JD 1200A Bunker Rake are intended to break up hard crusty sand in golf course bunkers. When used on infields to aerate or pulverize the rear wheels drive over approx. 40% of what was done. Not ideal when you want to aerate wet infields to speed up drying. Check our rear mount spring tines that allow you to aerate without driving over what you've done.

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Heying Company  Phone: 712.756.8847  Fax: 712.756.8849
Mailing Address: 515 6th Ave. Alton, Iowa 51003 
Manufacturing Address: 101 Tenth St. Alton, Iowa 51003 

Infield Groomers, Sports Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomers, Driveway-Yard-Trail Groomers For Sale Here. Factory Direct Pricing.
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